- Doctor in Counselling and Registered Clinical Social Worker
- Over 30 years counselling experience helping individuals, couples and families
- In private practice in Calgary since 2000 and has 5 Degrees from post-secondary institutions in Canada and Europe including 2 Doctoral Degrees.

Dr. Michael Haggstrom is dedicated to helping people with high empathy create loving relationships and heal narcissistic wounds, so they can reclaim the love and confidence they deserve.

Begin your healing journey: https://healedminds.com/begin
You can find me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michael_haggstrom/
You can find me on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@HealedMinds
Connect with me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/healedmindscommunity
Join me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmichaelhaggstrom/

Dr. Michael Haggstrom is passionate about teaching clients how to creating long-lasting loving relationships using proven processes to:
- Learn strategies to set effective boundaries and become your most authentic self
- Heal narcissistic woundings that have held you back
- Pursue your desires with absolute confidence and clarity of purpose
Dr. Michael Haggstrom is further trained in:
∼ Couples & Marriage Counselling Training – Dr. John Gottman Institute, Levels I & II
∼ CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Changing Negative Thinking & Feeling Patterns
∼ Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training – Healing Trauma & PTSD, Levels I & II
∼ EMDR – Calgary – Memory Processing, Anxiety, Stress & Anger Management
∼ Depression Mapping & Clinical Counselling Interventions – Dr. Randy Johnson
∼ HeartMath 1-on-1 Provider – Mental Health, Emotional Control, Peak Performance
∼ Mood Management Counselling – Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Anger & Worry
∼ Accelerated Resolution Therapy Calgary – Mood Disorders, Trauma, Anxiety & Self-Confidence
∼ Mindfulness for Relaxation, Healing, Mental Focus & Control